Install Pusion

General requirements

  • Python >= 3.6

Package requirements

  • numpy >= 1.20.2

  • scipy >= 1.6.2

  • scikit-learn >= 0.24.1

  • setuptools >= 54.2.0

  • pandas >= 1.2.3

  • matplotlib >= 3.4.1

  • torchmetrics >= 0.7.2


To generate the python distribution archives of pusion, update the PyPA’s build to the latest version. Under Windows run in your python environment the following command:

py -m pip install --upgrade build

If you are using MacOS or Unix, run in your python environment:

python3 -m pip install --upgrade build

After cloning pusion from GitHub to your local computer, enter the pusion directory where the file pyproject.toml is located. Under this directory run the following build command. For Windows users:

py -m build

For MacOS or Unix user:

python3 -m build

Once successfully executed, two files are generated in the dist subfolder within the project’s root folder. The tar.gz file is the source distribution and the whl file is the built distribution.


The generated wheel can be installed using the pip3 command, which also installs all required packages for pusion.

pip3 install dist/pusion-<version>-py3-none-any.whl