
class pusion.core.micro_majority_vote_combiner.MicroMajorityVoteCombiner

Bases: pusion.core.combiner.UtilityBasedCombiner

The MicroMajorityVoteCombiner (MIMV) is based on a variation of the general majority vote method. The fusion consists of a decision vector which results from the majority of assignments for each individual class.


Combine decision outputs by MIMV across all classifiers per class (micro). Only crisp classification outputs are supported.


decision_tensornumpy.array of shape (n_classifiers, n_samples, n_classes). Tensor of crisp decision outputs by different classifiers per sample.


A matrix (numpy.array) of crisp class assignments obtained by MIMV. Axis 0 represents samples and axis 1 the class labels which are aligned with axis 2 in decision_tensor input tensor.

class pusion.core.micro_majority_vote_combiner.CRMicroMajorityVoteCombiner

Bases: pusion.core.micro_majority_vote_combiner.MicroMajorityVoteCombiner

The CRMicroMajorityVoteCombiner is a modification of MicroMajorityVoteCombiner that also supports complementary-redundant decision outputs. Therefore the input is transformed, such that all missing classification assignments are considered as a constant, respectively. To call combine() a coverage needs to be set first by the inherited set_coverage() method.


Combine decision outputs by MIMV across all classifiers per class (micro). Only crisp classification outputs are supported.


decision_outputslist of numpy.array matrices, each of shape (n_samples, n_classes’), where n_classes’ is classifier-specific and described by the coverage. Each matrix corresponds to one of n_classifiers classifiers and contains crisp decision outputs per sample.


A matrix (numpy.array) of crisp class assignments which are obtained by MIMV. Axis 0 represents samples and axis 1 all the class labels which are provided by the coverage.